Friday, June 22, 2012

Palermo, Italy - the largest city and capital of Sicily

Palermo, Italy, the main town and capital of Sicily was in the 8th Century BC by the Phoenicians of the harbor under the threat of Mount Pallegrino much narrowed down. Palermo fell successively under Roman, Byzantine and Saracen rule. Muslims were of an 11 century Norman Crusade ejected before falling back to Sicily, the Holy Roman Empire, Angevin, Aragon, Spain and Naples. It was a long and rich history not by integration in modern Italy (1860) ended, Palermo was heavy during the Second World War and remains a town damaged by fire blight with serious social problems and economic - especially with the Mafia, which has a stranglehold associated with every aspect of island life.

However, Palermo, Italy, the distinctive, beautiful buildings and a colorful way of life. The city is hectic, intimidating and fascinating by turns. There are many interesting buildings to admire, as well as good museums, markets and restaurants. The Normans left their mark - the Palazzo dei normani (a former royal palace) should not be missed, with its mix of Arab-Norman-Byzantine style, unique in the 12 Century Sicily. Inside, the Palatine Chapel remarkable. Norman, the former royal park in the western part of the city consists of two imposing castles - Zisa (summer residence) and Cuba (the cabin).

There are too many great churches in Palermo, Italy List, but especially notable are the cathedral (a mosque), San Giovanni Hermits (1132) degli, Norman St Cataldo, with its distinctive domes and baroque Century 17 San Giuseppe dei Teatini. In truth, there are a dozen other newsworthy equality.

Anyone who is somewhat dubious reputation of Palermo asked, give it a rewarding experience. After all, cruise ships calling here, then it must be worth seeing!

The people of Palermo, Italy

676,000 (2006)

When to visit Palermo, Italy

June, July and August are the dry, hot summer months - the other seasons are cooler.

Do not miss this place in Palermo, Italy Tour

palermo Regional Art Gallery, near Palazzo Abbatellis Piazza Marina, a huge art collection in a medieval palace.
The Museum of Puppetry (Museo delle Marionette) to learn from this local tradition - and hopefully an advantage.
The macabre catacombs with the long dead Convento dei Cappuccini on the lining.
The amazing interior Baroque church of Jesus (Chiesa del Gesu), followed by 16th Century Jusuits built.
The Regional Archaeological Museum (Museo Regional Archaeologico), with a national status and an extraordinary collection of code artefacta long history of Sicily.
Botanical Garden of Palermo, founded in 1785 and the largest in Italy - enough time to plan.
If you know about Palermo Italy

Patron saint of Palermo is St. Rosalita, with the miracle that is credited to the city saved from the dreaded Black Death in 1624.

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